This is the website for the New England chapter of the Jericho Movement, an international movement to free those progressive activists held by the government of the United States because of their actions, beliefs or affiliations.

This movement grew out of a call put out in the fall of 1996 by New Afrikan political prisoner Jalil Muntaquim and former New Afrikan political prisoners Herman Ferguson and Safiya Bukhari. As Sister Safiya frequently reminded us during her lifetime, 'soldiers get captured...they do time...then they pick up the work.' If those behind bars, and those who have spent years locked up before being released can continue the work, can we do any less? Thousands of activists responded to their call, and came to Washington DC on March 27th 1998 for demonstrations aimed at exposing the fact that there are political prisoners in the U.S. and to call for their release. They marched from Malcolm X Park to the White House, circled it and then listened to speakers from a wide spectrum of radical organizations. Geronimo Ji Jaga, a former Black Panther imprisoned by the U.S. government for 27 years, told the crowd, "This is a dream come true for many brothers and sisters who are behind those walls, who for years have struggled to try and get the message out to everyone that this country does in fact have political prisoners and prisoners of war." There was also a rally of several hundred in Oakland, California and one in Los Angeles as well. Two hundred students walked out of their classes at Berkeley High and marched almost ten miles to join the Oakland rally.

Today, the Jericho Movement works toward these same goals...